34 research outputs found

    Innovation and Knowledge Management : using the combined approach TRIZ-CBR in Process System Engineering

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    In this article, a TRIZ based model is proposed to support the innovation and knowledge capitalization process. This model offers a knowledge base structure, which contains several heuristics to solve problems, synthesized from a large range of domains and industries and, also, the capacity to capture, store and make available the experiences produced while solving problems

    Case Based Reasoning and TRIZ : a coupling for Innovative conception in Chemical Engineering

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    With the evolutions of the surrounding world market, researchers and engineers have to propose technical innovations. Nevertheless, Chemical Engineering community demonstrates a small interest for innovation compared to other engineering fields. In this paper, an approach to accelerate inventive preliminary design for Chemical Engineering is presented. This approach uses Case Based Reasoning (CBR) method to model, to capture, to store and to make available the knowledge deployed during design. CBR is a very interesting method coming from Artificial Intelligence, for routine design. Indeed, in CBR the main assumption is that a new problem of design can be solved with the help of past successful ones. Consequently, the problem solving process is based on past successful solutions therefore the design is accelerated but creativity is limited and not stimulated. Our approach is an extension of the CBR method from routine design to inventive design. One of the main drawbacks of this method is that it is restricted in one particular domain of application. To propose inventive solution, the level of abstraction for problem resolution must be increased. For this reason CBR is coupled with the TRIZ theory (Russian acronym for Theory of solving inventive problem). TRIZ is a problem solving method that increases the ability to solve creative problems thanks to its capacity to give access to the best practices in all the technical domains. The proposed synergy between CBR and TRIZ combines the main advantages of CBR (ability to store and to reuse rapidly knowledge) and those of TRIZ (no trade off during resolution, inventive solutions). Based on this synergy, a tool is developed and a mere example is treated

    Management de l'innovation technologique et des connaissances : synergie entre la théorie TRIZ et le Raisonnement à Partir de Cas. Application en génie des procédés et systèmes industriels.

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    Les méthodologies traditionnelles de résolution de problèmes comme le brainstorming, la synectique, la méthode d'essais-erreurs, etc. trouvent leurs limites lorsqu'elles sont confrontées à un problème inventif ou problème contenant une contradiction (conditions sous laquelle deux exigences ou besoins d'un système sont mutuellement exclusives, mais doivent être associés afin d'atteindre un même objectif). Ce type de problèmes est généralement résolu en acceptant un important degré de compromis et avec une direction aléatoire de recherche d'une solution, qui se traduit par une efficacité inferieure à celle atteignable par d'autres méthodes. L'arrivée de la théorie de résolution des problèmes inventifs ou théorie TRIZ a éliminé ces inconvénients. Cette approche, basée sur l'évolution historique des systèmes techniques, a produit une vision où l'innovation est considérée comme une ressource maîtrisable pouvant être appliquée systématiquement. Paradoxalement, cette approche basée sur la connaissance et applicable à n'importe quelle discipline ou domaine, ne possède pas la capacité à mémoriser, ce qui s'avère indispensable pour l'apprentissage. De ce fait, les connaissances qui ont servi et qui ont été créées lors de la résolution d'une contradiction, ne peuvent pas être réutilisées. Cet inconvénient est un facteur négatif pour la performance de TRIZ lors de la résolution d'un problème inventif. Parallèlement, une autre approche a développé la capacité à identifier, stocker et réutiliser la connaissance : la gestion des connaissances. Cette capacité est mise en œuvre dans le raisonnement à partir de cas (RàPC). Cette approche, dont l'efficacité est basée sur l'aspect spécifique au domaine d'application, utilise les expériences acquises pendant la résolution des problèmes passés, afin d'aborder la résolution des problèmes nouveaux. Toutefois, le RàPC, de par sa nature, ne prend pas en considération les solutions qui ont été développées dans d'autres domaines. Cela limite fortement la capacité du RàPC à proposer une solution nouvelle ou innovante. De plus, la mémoire du système ne peut pas apporter une solution pour une situation qui n'a pas été identifiée et résolue auparavant. Les limites et la complémentarité constatées dans les deux approches, ont servi de base pour la proposition d'un nouveau modèle. Ce modèle offre une approche qui combine la vision technologique de la théorie TRIZ et la capacité à mémoriser et réutiliser la connaissance développée par le raisonnement à partir de cas. La synergie entre ces deux approches permet d'un côté, de diriger les efforts créatifs lors de la résolution d'un problème inventif et de l'autre, de réutiliser la connaissance déployée lors de ce processus. La capacité de cette nouvelle approche est illustrée au travers d'études de cas issues du génie des procédés et du génie industriel. ABSTRACT : Traditional problems solving methodologies like brainstorming, synectics, trial and error, etc. find their limits when they are facing inventive problems or problems that could be described like contradictions. A contradiction exists when two different and mutually exclusive requirements, states or conditions in a system, have to be present and act together, with the aim to accomplish same objectives. Trade off is usually the most used way to solve this kind of problem, also characterized by a random search of solutions. These situations have a negative impact over performance, which could be improved by applying other methodologies and tools. The theory of inventive problem solving or TRIZ theory has the capacity to eliminate these negative aspects described above and to produce innovative solutions to contradictions. This approach, which is different from the traditional psychology based approaches, is knowledge based. The particular vision of TRIZ is based on the history of technological evolution. TRIZ considers innovation like a process which can be controlled and deployed systematically. Paradoxically, this knowledge based approach with transversal domain application, does not have the capacity to memorise, which is fundamental for learning. Consequently, knowledge that has been employed and created while solving inventive problems can not be reused. This drawback has a negative effect on problem solving performance while deploying TRIZ. Knowledge management has developed the capacity to identify, store and reuse knowledge. This is the core capacity of several knowledge management methodologies, among them is, the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). The performance of this problem solving tool, lies essentially in its capacity to offer a pragmatic answer for specific domain problems. CBR systems solve a new problem by identifying its similarity to one or several previously solved problems stored in a memory and by adapting their known solutions. Since CBR application is domain specific, CBR cannot consider the solutions that have already been identified in others domains while solving new problems. This characteristic limits the CBR's capacity to propose innovative solutions to a problem. Besides, a shortcoming is revealed when a CBR system faces a problem that had not been solved in the past. If this situation occurs, the memory cannot find a similar problem and consequently, no solution is proposed. The limits and the complementarity observed between TRIZ and CBR are employed to propose a new model. This model presents an approach that combines the technological vision of TRIZ and the ability developed by CBR to memorize and to reuse knowledge. This synergy allows in the fist place, to steer the creative effort when facing inventive problems and in the second, to reuse knowledge that had been acquired in past problems. The capability of this new approach is illustrated by its application in process engineering and industrial engineering

    The TRIZ-CBR synergy: A knowledge based innovation process

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    Today innovation is recognised as the main driving force in the market. This complex process involves several intangible dimensions, such as creativity, knowledge and social interactions among others. Creativity is the starting point of the process, and knowledge is the force that transforms and materialises creativity in new products, services and processes. In this paper a synergy that aims to assists the innovation process is presented. The synergy combines several concepts and tools of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) and the case-based reasoning (CBR) process. The main objective of this synergy is to support creative engineering design and problem solving. This synergy is based on the strong link between knowledge and action. In this link, TRIZ offers several concepts and tools to facilitate concept creation and to solve problems, and the CBR process offers a framework capable of storing and reusing knowledge with the aim of accelerating the innovation process

    Eco-innovative design method for process engineering

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    Due to the environmental issues, innovation is one way to challenge eco-friendly technologies, create new process options which are needed to meet the increasing demands for sustainable production. To accelerate and improve eco-innovative design, there is a need for the computer aided eco-innovation tools to support engineers in the preliminary design phase. Currently, several computer aided innovation tools with a clear focus on specific innovation tasks exist but very few of them deal with the eco-innovation issues. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to present the development of a computer aided model based preliminary design methodology focused on technological eco-innovation for chemical engineering. This methodology is based on modified tools of the structured TRIZ theory. The general systematic framework gives the same level of importance, to the technological and environmental requirements during the conceptual design phase. Integrating environment oriented design approach at the earliest, in the design phase, is essential for product effectiveness and future development. The methodology employs a decomposition based solution approach in hierarchical steps by analysing the problem faced, formulation of the problem and the generation of possible and feasible ideas. At each step, various methods and tools will be needed. In this paper some existing tools are adapted to chemical engineering and some tools of the structured TRIZ theory are modified and improved to build a specific methodology oriented towards the increasing technological complexity and environmental issues of current designs. Undoubtedly, the selection of materials and substances for a particular generated concept, mainly affects the structure, mechanical factors (processability and dimensions) and the environmental impact. In order to deal with these environmental criteria, the resources and their impacts are considered in the upstream phase of the design process and are introduced as constraints in our model. To highlight its capabilities, the methodology is illustrated through a case study dedicated to tars and ashes issues in biomass gasification

    Toward an eco-innovative method based on a better use of resources: application to chemical process preliminary design

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    Chemical industries have the potential to become a driving force to introduce efficient production practices for reducing the negative impact on the environment. In order to meet these environmental challenges, innovation is a key factor in turning the concept of green growth into a reality through the development of eco-friendly technologies and sustainable production. Therefore, to accelerate and improve the design of eco-inventive solutions, new approaches must be created and adapted to integrate the constraints of eco invention in the preliminary design. The purpose of this paper is to present the first elements of a computer aided eco-innovation system to support the engineers in preliminary design. This research paper proposes a method based on a synergy between the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and the Case Based Reasoning. However, the typical level of abstraction of the TRIZ tools is modified. Indeed, TRIZ only gives way or guidelines to explore in order to find an inventive solution, which are often too abstract and hard to traduce into an inventive concept. To reduce this level of abstraction, this work proposes to apply the physical, chemical, biological, geometrical effects or phenomenon as solutions as they are more concrete. This is done thanks to a resources oriented search in order to better exploit the resources encompassed in the system. A case study on a new production process in chemical engineering illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Improvement of online adaptation knowledge acquisition and reuse in case-based reasoning: Application to process engineering design

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    Despite various publications in the area during the last few years, the adaptation step is still a crucial phase for a relevant and reasonable Case Based Reasoning system. Furthermore, the online acquisition of the new adaptation knowledge is of particular interest as it enables the progressive improvement of the system while reducing the knowledge engineering effort without constraints for the expert. Therefore this paper presents a new interactive method for adaptation knowledge elicitation, acquisition and reuse, thanks to a modification of the traditional CBR cycle. Moreover to improve adaptation knowledge reuse, a test procedure is also implemented to help the user in the adaptation step and its diagnosis during adaptation failure. A study on the quality and usefulness of the new knowledge acquired is also driven. As our Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) is more focused on preliminary design, and more particularly in the field of process engineering, we need to unify in the same method two types of knowledge: contextual and general. To realize this, this article proposes the integration of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (based on general knowledge) approach into the Case Based Reasoning (based on contextual knowledge) process to improve the case representation and the adaptation of past experiences. To highlight its capability, the proposed approach is illustrated through a case study dedicated to the design of an industrial mixing device

    Design acceleration in chemical engineering

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    Nowadays, Chemical Engineering has to face a new industrial context with for example: the gradually falling of hydrocarbon reserves after 2020-2030, relocation, emerging of new domains of application (nano-micro technologies) which necessitate new solutions and knowledges… All this tendencies and demands accelerate the need of tool for design and innovation (technically, technologically). In this context, this paper presents a tool to accelerate innovative preliminary design. This model is based on the synergy between: TRIZ (Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and Case Based Reasoning (CBR). The proposed model offers a structure to solve problem, and also to store and make available past experiences in problems solving. A tool dedicated to chemical engineering problems, is created on this model and a simple example is treated to explain the possibilities of this tool

    Functional optimization of a Persian lime packing using TRIZ and multi-objective genetic algorithms

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    This article proposes a novel approach that uses a mathematical model optimized by Genetic Algorithms harmonized with the Russian theory of problem solving and invention (TRIZ) to design an export packing of Persian Lime. The mathematical model (with functional elements of non-spatial type) optimizes the spaces of the Persian Lime Packing, maximizes the Resistance to Vertical Compression and minimizes the Amount of Material Used, according to the operation restrictions of the packing during the transport of the merchandise. This approach is developed in four phases: the identification of the solution space; the optimization of the conceptual design; the application of TRIZ; and the generation of the final proposal solution. The results show the proposed packing (with 28% less cardboard) supports at least the same vertical load with respect to the nearest competitor packing. However, with the same number of packings per pallet and pallets per container, the space used by the packing assembled and deployed in the container is greater by 10% and 38% respectively. Besides, TRIZ includes innovative non-spatial elements such as the airflow and the friction of the product inside the packing. The contribution of this approach can be replicable for the packing design of other horticultural products of the agri-food chai